Terms & Conditions
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These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: “GTC”) apply to the use of the services offered by Cirkel Supply Company SA (hereinafter: “Cirkel Supply”), whose registered office is at Route de Verbier 13, 1934 Le Châble, and by the lessee (hereinafter: “Lessee”).
Cirkel Supply reserves the right to amend the GTC at any time without providing reasons. Such changes will be communicated to the Lessee via email. The changes are considered accepted if the Lessee do not object in writing within 14 days of notification.
Rental period
The rental agreement is concluded for a specific period. This period corresponds to the rental period specified by the Lessee in their order.
If the item rented is not returned on or before the expected return date, Cirkel Supply reserves the right to charge the Lessee additional rent for the extra time. Extending the rental period is possible by contacting Cirkel Supply before the end of the rental period. An extension of the rental period is not guaranteed and will only be valid upon receipt of an extension confirmation from Cirkel Supply.
Cirkel Supply will charge your card for the full cost of the rental order at the time that the order is placed unless agreed otherwise. You will receive an email with the order confirmation including an overview of the rented items and the total price for the rental period.
Cirkel Supply reserves the right to charge the Lessee’s card for any items that are not returned or for damaged items (see section regarding damage & loss).
Cancellation must be carried out by contacting Cirkel Supply no later than five days before the rental period commences by emailing orders@cirkelsupply.com. The cancellation of the order is only binding after receipt of a corresponding cancellation confirmation from Cirkel Supply.
Return of rental items
The Lessee is obliged to dry the garments and equipment before they are returned, and remove excess dirt. The Lessee can brush off and wipe the garments but should never wash them.
Damage & loss
Normal wear and tear of rental items is at the expense of Cirkel Supply. Extraordinary damage (e.g. due to improper or negligent use) and loss of rented items are at the expense of the Lessee. The Lessee must ensure that the items are stored in such a way that loss or theft is prevented.
Cirkel Supply does not expect the Lessee to carry out any repairs or to alter the items during the rental period. Any damage during the rental period must be reported immediately to Cirkel Supply. Repairs needed due to damage during the rental period will solely be carried out by Cirkel Supply or their nominated third party.
If renting pants from Cirkel Supply for use while wearing crampons, the Lessee is obliged to use or rent gaiters to prevent extraordinary damage to the rented pants.
The rental of clothing and equipment by Cirkel Supply does not include any official instructions or training in the use of the rented items. Correct usage is exclusively the responsibility of the Lessee. Cirkel Supply is therefore not responsible nor liable under any circumstances for damage or bodily harm caused by improper use of rented items or failure to observe the usual precautionary measures or similar reasons.
The Lessee is obliged to check each rental item and order for completeness and any material defects immediately upon receipt. In the unlikely event of any material defects, the Lessee must inform Cirkel Supply immediately by emailing orders@cirkelsupply.com and include photos of any such defects, otherwise it is assumed that these defects arose after the delivery had taken place.
Governing law & jurisdiction
These GTC and all legal relationships between the parties are subject to applicable Swiss law.
The ordinary courts closest to the headquarters of Cirkel Supply are exclusively responsible for all disputes arising from or in connection with these GTC or other contractual relationships between Cirkel Supply and the Lessee.